120km, 75km and 45km routes
Planning the best routes in trail running takes some time and planning. We are working hard to provide our entrants with the best possible route for this year's event, which means long discussions with farm owners, conservancies and nature reserves.
In the meantime, please refer to our routes from last year as an indication of what you can expect. The first 30km for the 120km and 75km routes will stay the same as our route for 2021's 75km race.
Seeing as our race finishes in Stellenbosch this year, we are still finalising the best possible routes, which requires access to various stakeholders' land.
Our 45km will also start through the Bergriver valley and will join the 120 and 75km route sections towards Stellenbosch.
20km and 13km routes
Our routes for the 20km and 13km races will remain unchanged.